Guest Lecture Series


Special Lecture

Mr. N.M.S.Hettigedara

Nutritional Aspects for Everyday Life


Guest Lecture 1

Dr. Thushani Sirirwardhane

Navigating a life in Chemistry : From analytical Chemistry to clinical research

Guest Lecture 2

Dr. Srimal Samaranayake

Novel perspectives on brain disorders with micro-engineered electrochemical detection platforms

Guest Lecture 3

Dr. Rohan Gunasekara

Smart materials for molecular recognition

Guest Lecture 4

Dr. Nilushi Nugara

Plant screening for nutraceutical development to

fight obesity

Guest Lecture 5

Dr. Dewasmika Ariyasinghe

Keeping Mental Wellbeing :

A Lifetime Approach


Looking to build your skills as an undergraduate ?

Join us with our next talk on The Motivated Undergraduate by Dr. Kushan K. Wijesundara .


Are you ready to step into the industry?

Develop your soft skills and become a resourceful person!!!

The resource person was Mr. Namal Bandaranayake, who is a senior lecturer of Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. The event enhanced undergraduates’ knowledge on soft skills and opened paths for them to think how to step in to the industry after their graduation in more successful manner.